Rev. Sara A. White
Rev. Sara A. White currently resides in Columbia, South Carolina. White received her Bachelor of Arts degree in History from the University of South Carolina and was awarded a Master of Divinity degree from Lutheran Theological Seminary South, Columbia, South Carolina. White is the Lead Pastor of Hibben United Methodist Church in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. Previously, she served as Director of Congregational Development for the South Carolina Conference from 2012 until 2019. Prior to that, she held the position of District Superintendent of the South Carolina United Methodist Church in the Rock Hill District, and from 2001 to 2006, was the lead pastor of John Wesley United Methodist Church in Charleston, South Carolina. White served as delegate to the 2008 and 2012 General Conferences of The United Methodist Church and has also served as a Jurisdictional Conference delegate for the Southeastern Jurisdiction Conference. Her Annual Conference service includes membership on the Southeastern Jurisdiction Council on Finance and Administration; South Carolina Annual Conference CFA; and the Board of Trustees of the Epworth Children’s Home. White’s term of office as an elected director of The Fund will expire in 2024.