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Stewarding Potential

Igniting Imagination for the New Wesleyan Ecosystem

A new spiritual landscape is emerging. One that is defined by a decline in religious affiliation and a corresponding rise in spirituality and spiritual hunger.

Wesleyan Impact Partners’ imperative in this new landscape is to spark imagination to steward the potential of the New Wesleyan Ecosystem, characterized by bringing God’s love to people where they are, building new friendships, and empowering all those who are pushing the boundaries of religious expression and the multitude of ways they are finding their own spiritual paths for themselves and their communities.

Igniting Imagination

Engaging Conversations

Sparking The Spirit Within You

The Igniting Imagination podcast features rich conversations with prominent leaders from across the cultural and spiritual landscape that invite listeners into new relationships with themselves, their church, and their communities. It offers ideas to strengthen spiritual practice, build community, and inspire courage and innovation.

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Imagining Possibilities

Nourishing New Ministries

Over decades of doing our work, we have learned that imagining what's possible together enlivens a New Wesleyan Ecosystem connected to the roots of our Wesleyan tradition, nourishing new ministries courageously meeting the soul-needs of people, today and tomorrow.

The New Wesleyan Ecosystem

Adaptive Learning


TMF’s Leadership Ministry team had countless conversations with pastors, bishops, conference leaders, spiritual entrepreneurs and practitioners about the adaptive challenges the church is facing in the new spiritual landscape. The team identified “Five Muscles” congregations need to to thrive now and in the future. 

The Five Adaptive Muscles

Engaging Conversations

Learning and Innovation Resources

Insights and tools to spark imagination and grow the church.

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